After many difficult months during which CDS Group has acted with determination and, I believe, efficiency, summer has arrived, hope has been reborn, and it is time to take a well-deserved break without interrupting the momentum of the recovery.
Over the past 18 months, CDS Group has demonstrated determination and strong commitment to the profession. We did it out of solidarity, duty and above all, conviction. The strong belief that the recovery would come, that business travel would continue because it is essential to any economic activity and that the business hotel industry would be at the center of the ecosystem. We have also done this alongside our clients, remaining open to their needs and above all remaining mobilized to accompany them in the continuous evolution of constraints and the need for reassurance of travelers, of the obligation to travel safely, while remaining in compliance with a well-defined travel policy.
To achieve this, we have worked for a recovery through innovation. Our participation in the Vivatech trade show was the high point of this R&D development policy, that we have always supported.
But innovation would be nothing without women and men, experts in their field, driven by the desire to work together and supported by a strong group dynamic. CDS’s human resources are one of its greatest strengths and were enhanced this spring with new teams. These new arrivals have brought either a reinforcement of the expertise already existant amoung our teams, or new skills to develop our services and our positioning.
Relying on human resources at CDS Group doesn’t only mean working with internal teams, but also knowing how to surround oneself with a whole ecosystem, both with the historical players in the sector and with newcomers. We are also aware of the importance of new arrivals who intermingle, sometimes disrupt and always innovate in a dynamic and flexible universe that has raised agility to the level of an art. We support these new players and create partnerships with them because we are convinced that evolution is essential.
I warmly thank my team, our customers, our partners, both historical and new, and the entire ecosystem and wish each one of you a refreshing summer break.
Resolutely optimistic, CDS wants to see the alpha and the omega of the business hotel industry and leave aside the delta… The upcoming season promises to be rich in projects, events and innovations, rest assured that CDS Group will be there!
Ziad Minkara,
CEO of CDS Groupe